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109 Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution Survey and Inspection Work Plan - Hualien County

1.Performed on-site and burial site monitoring well sampling in the prefecture. 2.Maintain the proper rate of groundwater monitoring wells in the prefecture. 3.Organize a series of activities to promote soil and groundwater pollution prevention. 4.Petrol station inspection and counselling check operation and survey of above-ground storage tank owners. 5.Perform regular reporting of industrial areas in the county for inspection. 6.Follow-up investigation of dust pollution in rivers and streams. 7.Promotion activities for the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the Land Pollution Law. 8.Investigation of Soil and Groundwater Contamination in Hualien Machinery Section of Taiwan Railway. 9.Compilation of soil and groundwater-related research reports. 10.Production of teaching aids.
soil and groundwater